Wild Sheep Foundation Alberta Life Membership and Life Member Belt Buckle
Donor: Wild Sheep Foundati...
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Wild Sheep Foundation Alberta Life Membership and Life Member Belt Buckle
Donor: Wild Sheep Foundation, Alberta
Description: (100% Fully Donated)Wild Sheep Foundation Alberta Life Membership. The purchaser will be a lifetime member of the Alberta chapter and will be a part of ongoing conservation efforts for Bighorn sheep throughout the province. All life members receive a plaque acknowledging their dedication to Alberta's wild sheep populations, as well as quarterly mailed magazines/newsletters detailing news and updates from the chapter. This purchaser will also receive a beautiful custom silver belt buckle displaying their commitment to conservation in Alberta.
Contact: Mike Smith
Phone: 4037007746
E-Mail: mike@wsfab.org
Web Page: Wild Sheep Foundation, Alberta
Booth # 581
Value: $ 1000